A Quasi-Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Communication Booklet on Level of Communication and Satisfaction among Caregivers of Clients with Acquired Neurogenic Communication Disorders at Selected Hospitals, Nagercoil

Authors : Daneshwari. Hiremath, Dr. Praveen. Patil, Dr. Deelip S. Natekar, Jayashree .A, Shravankumar.B. Lachyan.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 3 - March

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2W9wJEa

Abstract : Becoming the mother is very happy movement for the woman . The mother should maintain her health during the pregnancy to get a healthy baby . The gift which a mother can give to her baby is health . The structure teaching program was carried out to assess knowledge regarding prevention and management of NEONATES with HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA among mother admitted in selected hospital of BAGALKOT the study was conducted by our researchers. The neonatal jaundice effects one In two infants globally the jaundice is result of accumulation of bilirubin as fetal hemoglobin is metabolized by the immature liver.

Keywords : Mothers, Prevention And Management, Neonates, Hyperbilirubinemia, Newborn Effectiveness, Structured Teaching Programme.

Becoming the mother is very happy movement for the woman . The mother should maintain her health during the pregnancy to get a healthy baby . The gift which a mother can give to her baby is health . The structure teaching program was carried out to assess knowledge regarding prevention and management of NEONATES with HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA among mother admitted in selected hospital of BAGALKOT the study was conducted by our researchers. The neonatal jaundice effects one In two infants globally the jaundice is result of accumulation of bilirubin as fetal hemoglobin is metabolized by the immature liver.

Keywords : Mothers, Prevention And Management, Neonates, Hyperbilirubinemia, Newborn Effectiveness, Structured Teaching Programme.

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