A Power Generation Through Double Chamber MFC Operation from Industrial Waste Water

Authors : K. Kavin Kumar , R. Ruthra , M. Guhan

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://goo.gl/WipKLZ

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Abstract : The main view of our project has been established that voltage generated in a microbial fuel cell (MFC) decreases with respect to time. The application of MFC in generating electricity using textile waste water from local small scale industry. Our project “A Power Generation Through Double Chamber Mfc Operation From Industrial Waste Water” has paved the way for improved knowledge in the process of filtration of water. A small scale, composting, MFC system was constructed that used cow manure, glucose and sugar as the reduced carbon energy source. The system was a double chamber, air cathode MFC with a reactor, resistance box and data multimeter unit. A moisture content of greater than 80% is suitable for generation of current in the composting MFC. MFC can be best defined as a fuel cell where microbes act as catalyst in degrading the organic content to produce electricity. It is a device that straight away converts microbial metabolic or enzyme catalytic energy into electricity by using usual electrochemical technology. Biological treatment is applied to that waste water. The advanced biological treatment MFC (Microbial fuel cell) is adopted. The maximum current, voltage, BOD, COD and pH are generated with respect to time. In this project we are intended to reduce colour, odour, turbidity, hardness, etc,. Detailed description of the waste analysis water and their procedures and results are also included.

The main view of our project has been established that voltage generated in a microbial fuel cell (MFC) decreases with respect to time. The application of MFC in generating electricity using textile waste water from local small scale industry. Our project “A Power Generation Through Double Chamber Mfc Operation From Industrial Waste Water” has paved the way for improved knowledge in the process of filtration of water. A small scale, composting, MFC system was constructed that used cow manure, glucose and sugar as the reduced carbon energy source. The system was a double chamber, air cathode MFC with a reactor, resistance box and data multimeter unit. A moisture content of greater than 80% is suitable for generation of current in the composting MFC. MFC can be best defined as a fuel cell where microbes act as catalyst in degrading the organic content to produce electricity. It is a device that straight away converts microbial metabolic or enzyme catalytic energy into electricity by using usual electrochemical technology. Biological treatment is applied to that waste water. The advanced biological treatment MFC (Microbial fuel cell) is adopted. The maximum current, voltage, BOD, COD and pH are generated with respect to time. In this project we are intended to reduce colour, odour, turbidity, hardness, etc,. Detailed description of the waste analysis water and their procedures and results are also included.

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