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Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The emergence of non-traditional families
changes the landscape of social roles in our society today.
These social roles are products of families conceived
through single parenthood, mixed marriage, foster family,
and blended family among others. For this research
venture, the main focus is to determine the dual role of
single or solo parents in an educational institution and
specifically determine their challenges, adjustment, parental
role and acceptance, and the discrimination or stigma they
encountered. Using the Interpretative Phenomenological
Analysis (IPA), five solo or single parents served as the co-
researchers selected using a snowball sampling procedure
based on set criteria. Data were gathered using
unstructured questionnaires, interview protocol, and
observation. The findings suggest that the financial aspect
was the primary challenge encountered by solo parents.
Additionally, implementation of the law for solo or single
parents was not comprehensively undertaken, and there
were limited programs to address the psychological
challenges posed by being a single parent. Furthermore,
discrimination was not an issue to contend with. The results
of the study suggest that further looking into the
government support and the implementation of the laws
relative to single parenting to maximize the benefits
provided for them, creation of peer group support, and
establishing of a counseling program or helpline can be
done to address the psychological issues confronting single
parents. Future researchers can do validation research
using single parents working in different institutions or
living in a rural community and use other variables across
different socioeconomic statuses, gender, and age with a
larger sample.
Keywords :
Solo/Single Parents; Counseling; Solo Parent Act; Discrimination.
References :
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- The Family Code of the Philippines
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The emergence of non-traditional families
changes the landscape of social roles in our society today.
These social roles are products of families conceived
through single parenthood, mixed marriage, foster family,
and blended family among others. For this research
venture, the main focus is to determine the dual role of
single or solo parents in an educational institution and
specifically determine their challenges, adjustment, parental
role and acceptance, and the discrimination or stigma they
encountered. Using the Interpretative Phenomenological
Analysis (IPA), five solo or single parents served as the co-
researchers selected using a snowball sampling procedure
based on set criteria. Data were gathered using
unstructured questionnaires, interview protocol, and
observation. The findings suggest that the financial aspect
was the primary challenge encountered by solo parents.
Additionally, implementation of the law for solo or single
parents was not comprehensively undertaken, and there
were limited programs to address the psychological
challenges posed by being a single parent. Furthermore,
discrimination was not an issue to contend with. The results
of the study suggest that further looking into the
government support and the implementation of the laws
relative to single parenting to maximize the benefits
provided for them, creation of peer group support, and
establishing of a counseling program or helpline can be
done to address the psychological issues confronting single
parents. Future researchers can do validation research
using single parents working in different institutions or
living in a rural community and use other variables across
different socioeconomic statuses, gender, and age with a
larger sample.
Keywords :
Solo/Single Parents; Counseling; Solo Parent Act; Discrimination.