Authors :
Sahana. P. Shankar; Pranathi Hegde; Nidhi N P; Sanjana N; Sree Bhanu Mukkamala
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
With more than 100 million active users on
social media today, it has become inevitable that the
average user is exposed to some form of cyberbullying.
Toxicity and hate comments have become a critical
challenge necessitating efficient tools for their detection
and mitigation. In this study, we propose a novel ensemble
approach combining context-free and context-aware
models to detect toxic comments. Using the Civil
Comments dataset, we curated two distinct datasets, one
with conversational context and one without, which had
to be extensively processed and augmented before they
were employed. The two models were built using the
RoBERTa architecture which was further fine-tuned and
modified to suit this particular task. Lastly, the
classification outputs from both the models were
integrated using equal weights. The context-free model
achieved an accuracy 94.87% and an F1 score of 0.95 for
both labels- toxic and non-toxic. The context-aware model
showed an accuracy of 87.82% achieving an F1 score of
0.91 for non-toxic comments and 0.80 for toxic comments.
This work underscores the importance of incorporating
conversational context and ensemble techniques in
developing robust toxicity detection systems.
Keywords :
Social Media, Cyberbullying, Toxicity, Ensemble Approach, Civil Comments Dataset, Data Augmentation, RoBERTa.
References :
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With more than 100 million active users on
social media today, it has become inevitable that the
average user is exposed to some form of cyberbullying.
Toxicity and hate comments have become a critical
challenge necessitating efficient tools for their detection
and mitigation. In this study, we propose a novel ensemble
approach combining context-free and context-aware
models to detect toxic comments. Using the Civil
Comments dataset, we curated two distinct datasets, one
with conversational context and one without, which had
to be extensively processed and augmented before they
were employed. The two models were built using the
RoBERTa architecture which was further fine-tuned and
modified to suit this particular task. Lastly, the
classification outputs from both the models were
integrated using equal weights. The context-free model
achieved an accuracy 94.87% and an F1 score of 0.95 for
both labels- toxic and non-toxic. The context-aware model
showed an accuracy of 87.82% achieving an F1 score of
0.91 for non-toxic comments and 0.80 for toxic comments.
This work underscores the importance of incorporating
conversational context and ensemble techniques in
developing robust toxicity detection systems.
Keywords :
Social Media, Cyberbullying, Toxicity, Ensemble Approach, Civil Comments Dataset, Data Augmentation, RoBERTa.