Authors :
Arin Chaudhary
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
- Carbon Monoxide, Sulphur Oxides, Lead,
Nitrogenous Oxides, and Carbon Dioxide gases are
common byproducts of several processes that pose a
potent risk towards Environmental degradation. This is
because they have adverse effects on the ozone layer and
can cause several respiratory problems as well. There are
multiple sources of these harmful gas, such as refineries,
power plants, mines, wastewater treatment plants, etc.
However, one major source of pollution is cars. A
passenger car emits about 4.6 Metric tons of carbon
dioxide per year (according to 2018). One factor which
makes them pose a potential damage to the environment
is that these are nonpoint sources, sources that are
distributed over a wide range of geographical area. This
makes it very difficult to contaminate the harmful gases
emitted by them.
Understanding the problems and making a device
that focuses on a way to contain these gases, convert them
into particulate matter, and then use them for some useful
processes can prove to be really helpful for the
Keywords :
Engineering; Pollution; Automobiles; Aerodynamics; Absorption; Systems Engineering
- Carbon Monoxide, Sulphur Oxides, Lead,
Nitrogenous Oxides, and Carbon Dioxide gases are
common byproducts of several processes that pose a
potent risk towards Environmental degradation. This is
because they have adverse effects on the ozone layer and
can cause several respiratory problems as well. There are
multiple sources of these harmful gas, such as refineries,
power plants, mines, wastewater treatment plants, etc.
However, one major source of pollution is cars. A
passenger car emits about 4.6 Metric tons of carbon
dioxide per year (according to 2018). One factor which
makes them pose a potential damage to the environment
is that these are nonpoint sources, sources that are
distributed over a wide range of geographical area. This
makes it very difficult to contaminate the harmful gases
emitted by them.
Understanding the problems and making a device
that focuses on a way to contain these gases, convert them
into particulate matter, and then use them for some useful
processes can prove to be really helpful for the
Keywords :
Engineering; Pollution; Automobiles; Aerodynamics; Absorption; Systems Engineering