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Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 11 - November
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Abstract :
Nursing education is inherently stressful.
Overwhelming burden of information leaves a minimal
probability to relax and recreate and sometimes leads to
momentous sleep deprivation.
It was intended to assess Stress, stressors and
coping mechanisms in married nursing Students
studying at Vivekanandha College of nursing,
Namakkal, Tamilnadu.
Methods and Materials:
A descriptive survey study was led out among 43
married nursing students of ANM, Diploma,, M.SC
nursing students. Data was once gathered concerning
August then September 2019.A modified Perceived stress
scale, Perceived stressor Scale yet Coping Scale were
back in accordance with acquire data. Frequency
analysis, and chi-square for association, was used for
data analysis.
The study revealed that 48.8 % of the married
Students yield moderate stress level. Married students
had severe stressors in communication domain (mean %
score 61.52%), overall 41.6% of the student’s
experiences High stressor. Majority (42%) of the
Students were having low coping and 37% having
moderate coping.
Majority concerning Students experienced
moderate stress level and having low coping. The nurse
administrator should plan and organize educational
program for nursing students, in discipline in
accordance with to prepare them to cope up with any
stressful situations. Hence, the researcher emphasizes
the want because of more research in conformity with
the knowledge and by applying the research finding for
Keywords :
Stress, Stressors, Coping Mechanism, Perceived Stress Scale, Married Nursing Students.
Nursing education is inherently stressful.
Overwhelming burden of information leaves a minimal
probability to relax and recreate and sometimes leads to
momentous sleep deprivation.
It was intended to assess Stress, stressors and
coping mechanisms in married nursing Students
studying at Vivekanandha College of nursing,
Namakkal, Tamilnadu.
Methods and Materials:
A descriptive survey study was led out among 43
married nursing students of ANM, Diploma,, M.SC
nursing students. Data was once gathered concerning
August then September 2019.A modified Perceived stress
scale, Perceived stressor Scale yet Coping Scale were
back in accordance with acquire data. Frequency
analysis, and chi-square for association, was used for
data analysis.
The study revealed that 48.8 % of the married
Students yield moderate stress level. Married students
had severe stressors in communication domain (mean %
score 61.52%), overall 41.6% of the student’s
experiences High stressor. Majority (42%) of the
Students were having low coping and 37% having
moderate coping.
Majority concerning Students experienced
moderate stress level and having low coping. The nurse
administrator should plan and organize educational
program for nursing students, in discipline in
accordance with to prepare them to cope up with any
stressful situations. Hence, the researcher emphasizes
the want because of more research in conformity with
the knowledge and by applying the research finding for
Keywords :
Stress, Stressors, Coping Mechanism, Perceived Stress Scale, Married Nursing Students.