A Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Stress and Coping Strategies Adopted by 1st Year B.Sc (N) Students

Authors : Sunil M B, Dr Nagarajappa D.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2WO5Af6

Abstract : Background: During education and training, nursing students are repeatedly exposed to various stressors. They may directly or indirectly affect their learning. Objective: This study was conducted to assess the stress level and coping strategies adopted by 1st year Basic B.Sc nursing students at College of Nursing, Adesh University, Bathinda. Design: A descriptive study design was used. Sample; 59 B.Sc nursing students studying at the College of Nursing, Adesh University, Bathinda. Methods: A self-administrative survey including demographics, Perceived Stress Scale and Coping Behaviour Inventory was used. Results: The findings showed the majority of the Students were between 17-19 years of age.

Keywords : Stress, Coping, Coping Strategies, Nursing Students.

Background: During education and training, nursing students are repeatedly exposed to various stressors. They may directly or indirectly affect their learning. Objective: This study was conducted to assess the stress level and coping strategies adopted by 1st year Basic B.Sc nursing students at College of Nursing, Adesh University, Bathinda. Design: A descriptive study design was used. Sample; 59 B.Sc nursing students studying at the College of Nursing, Adesh University, Bathinda. Methods: A self-administrative survey including demographics, Perceived Stress Scale and Coping Behaviour Inventory was used. Results: The findings showed the majority of the Students were between 17-19 years of age.

Keywords : Stress, Coping, Coping Strategies, Nursing Students.

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