A Comperative Clinical Study to Assess the Effect of Manjishtadi Kshara Basti and Bhadradaruvadi Basti in Siraja Granthi (Varicose Vein)


Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3QtiV3Q

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6979188

Abstract : In the present era, everyone is more conscious about their beauty and even a small change in the skin texture or lustre is enough to create stress and tension in our mind, especially in ladies. Varicose vein of the lower limb is one of such clinical condition that hampers the beauty of the legs. Basthi, Sahacharadi Taila as internal medication, Upanaha with Vataharadravyas, Siravyadha, are given as treatment choices by Acharya Vagbhata for the treatment of Siraja Granthi. Objective: To assess the effect of Manjishtadi Kshara Basti and Bhadradaruvadi Basti in the management of Siraja Granthi and compare their efficacy in Siraja Granthi. H0 – There is no significant difference between the effect Manjishtadi Kshara Basti and Bhadradaruvadi Basti in the management of Siraja Granthi (varicose vein).H1– There is significant difference between the effect Manjishtadi Kshara Basti and Bhadradaruvadi Basti in the management of Siraja Granthi (varicose vein). Methodology: 40 patients diagnosed as Sirajagranthi (varicose vein)were selected strictly as per the pre-set inclusion and exclusion criteria and divided into Group A, who were treated with Manjishtadi Kshara Basti and Group B, who were treated with Bhadradaruvadi Basti. The observations procured on the assessment parameters of 40 patients before treatment, Day 8 th (AT1), Day15th (AT2),Day 22nd (AT3) and Day30th (AT4) day in both the groups i.e Group A and Group B & were analysed statistically to determine the treatment effect. Manjishtadi Kshara Basti (Group A) and Bhadradaruvadi Basti (Group B). Results: In all attributes of Sirajagranthi (varicose vein) Group A and Group Bdemonstrated highly significant findings. Bhadradaruvadi Basti effect in the Lakshanas like Grathana, Vaivarnya & Daha were marginally better. Results of Manjishtadi Kshara Basti were marginally better in the Lakshanas such as Kandu, Shotha and Shoola. Conclusion: In this clinical study, Both Group A and Group Bdemonstrated significant results in all subjective & objective parameters of Sirajagranthi(varicose vein)in this clinical research.

Keywords : Sirajagranthi, Manjishtadi Kshara Basti, Bhadradaruvadi Basti, Varicose Vein.

In the present era, everyone is more conscious about their beauty and even a small change in the skin texture or lustre is enough to create stress and tension in our mind, especially in ladies. Varicose vein of the lower limb is one of such clinical condition that hampers the beauty of the legs. Basthi, Sahacharadi Taila as internal medication, Upanaha with Vataharadravyas, Siravyadha, are given as treatment choices by Acharya Vagbhata for the treatment of Siraja Granthi. Objective: To assess the effect of Manjishtadi Kshara Basti and Bhadradaruvadi Basti in the management of Siraja Granthi and compare their efficacy in Siraja Granthi. H0 – There is no significant difference between the effect Manjishtadi Kshara Basti and Bhadradaruvadi Basti in the management of Siraja Granthi (varicose vein).H1– There is significant difference between the effect Manjishtadi Kshara Basti and Bhadradaruvadi Basti in the management of Siraja Granthi (varicose vein). Methodology: 40 patients diagnosed as Sirajagranthi (varicose vein)were selected strictly as per the pre-set inclusion and exclusion criteria and divided into Group A, who were treated with Manjishtadi Kshara Basti and Group B, who were treated with Bhadradaruvadi Basti. The observations procured on the assessment parameters of 40 patients before treatment, Day 8 th (AT1), Day15th (AT2),Day 22nd (AT3) and Day30th (AT4) day in both the groups i.e Group A and Group B & were analysed statistically to determine the treatment effect. Manjishtadi Kshara Basti (Group A) and Bhadradaruvadi Basti (Group B). Results: In all attributes of Sirajagranthi (varicose vein) Group A and Group Bdemonstrated highly significant findings. Bhadradaruvadi Basti effect in the Lakshanas like Grathana, Vaivarnya & Daha were marginally better. Results of Manjishtadi Kshara Basti were marginally better in the Lakshanas such as Kandu, Shotha and Shoola. Conclusion: In this clinical study, Both Group A and Group Bdemonstrated significant results in all subjective & objective parameters of Sirajagranthi(varicose vein)in this clinical research.

Keywords : Sirajagranthi, Manjishtadi Kshara Basti, Bhadradaruvadi Basti, Varicose Vein.

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