A Comparative Study of Thin-Bed Interpretation using Spectral and Cepstral Transform Techniques in Dense 3D Seismic Amplitude Data in Niger Delta

Authors : Orji, O.M; Ugwu; Nwankwoala, H.O

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3xhUmx8

Abstract : The purpose of this study is to develop a unique, high resolution and optimal technique for mapping stratigraphy which is usually misinterpreted after data interpretation using highly resolving signal transforms. This is with a view to characterizing and evaluating hydrocarbon reservoirs. The key objectives are to: build efficient workflow algorithms and computer program codes from basics (mathematical functions) for spectral decomposition including each of its extensions using the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Cepstral Transform (CT) and apply it to a very thin reservoir sand (8ms, ≈9.5m) in order to identify seismic edges, delimit and delineate subtle features, and finally compare the results obtained in time, frequency and quefrency and interpret. The results obtained from the conventional and developed techniques were applied on both standard (e.g. Kingdom Suite and Petrel program) and general interpretational platforms (e.g. Matlab, Pascal, Gnuplot and Surfer software) and found comparable but enhanced with the developed technique. They are presented as spectral and cepstral cross-plots, and maps (2D time slices). The newly developed transform algorithms and Computer program provided enhanced event perceptibility. The frequency tuning of the attributes of highly resolving transforms correlated with exact reservoir zones and detected seismic edges, subtle faults and channels. The practical relevance of this study is that field appraisal and clear identification of potential exploration projects and hydrocarbon fairways in particularly stratigraphic and geologically complex and fractured zones, etc. could be achieved using the developed technique and algorithms. This impacts on production and serves as baseline for the interpretation of similar geologic conditions in field data.

Keywords : Complex Cepstral Transform, Fourier Transform, Gamnitude, Quefrency, Saphe,

The purpose of this study is to develop a unique, high resolution and optimal technique for mapping stratigraphy which is usually misinterpreted after data interpretation using highly resolving signal transforms. This is with a view to characterizing and evaluating hydrocarbon reservoirs. The key objectives are to: build efficient workflow algorithms and computer program codes from basics (mathematical functions) for spectral decomposition including each of its extensions using the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Cepstral Transform (CT) and apply it to a very thin reservoir sand (8ms, ≈9.5m) in order to identify seismic edges, delimit and delineate subtle features, and finally compare the results obtained in time, frequency and quefrency and interpret. The results obtained from the conventional and developed techniques were applied on both standard (e.g. Kingdom Suite and Petrel program) and general interpretational platforms (e.g. Matlab, Pascal, Gnuplot and Surfer software) and found comparable but enhanced with the developed technique. They are presented as spectral and cepstral cross-plots, and maps (2D time slices). The newly developed transform algorithms and Computer program provided enhanced event perceptibility. The frequency tuning of the attributes of highly resolving transforms correlated with exact reservoir zones and detected seismic edges, subtle faults and channels. The practical relevance of this study is that field appraisal and clear identification of potential exploration projects and hydrocarbon fairways in particularly stratigraphic and geologically complex and fractured zones, etc. could be achieved using the developed technique and algorithms. This impacts on production and serves as baseline for the interpretation of similar geologic conditions in field data.

Keywords : Complex Cepstral Transform, Fourier Transform, Gamnitude, Quefrency, Saphe,

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