A Case Report on Biliary Atresia

Authors : Parvathy Nandan, Naiema Shajihan, Kesiya Simon, Iram Naz Ansari, Lallu Mariam Jacob.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2WhCxAB

Abstract : Cholestatic jaundice or Biliary atresia, present in the newborn period is a potentially serious disorder that may result from either a treatable or a nontreatable disorder. Biliary atresia is an obstructive neonatal cholangiopathy of unknown etiology that produces damage to the parenchyma of the liver and to the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts. It is the most common cause of neonatal cholestasis and liver transplantation in the pediatric population. The clinician initially must recognize the presence of prolonged or pathologic jaundice in newborns. This case report presents a case of infant who had congenital atresia, but the clinician fails to diagnose it during the initial stages and was later diagnosed when the infant was 3 month old.

Keywords : Cholestatic Jaundice, Biliary Atresia, Cholangiopathy, Intrahepatic, Extrahepatic.

Cholestatic jaundice or Biliary atresia, present in the newborn period is a potentially serious disorder that may result from either a treatable or a nontreatable disorder. Biliary atresia is an obstructive neonatal cholangiopathy of unknown etiology that produces damage to the parenchyma of the liver and to the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts. It is the most common cause of neonatal cholestasis and liver transplantation in the pediatric population. The clinician initially must recognize the presence of prolonged or pathologic jaundice in newborns. This case report presents a case of infant who had congenital atresia, but the clinician fails to diagnose it during the initial stages and was later diagnosed when the infant was 3 month old.

Keywords : Cholestatic Jaundice, Biliary Atresia, Cholangiopathy, Intrahepatic, Extrahepatic.

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