Model Physical Education using Modification of Mini Volley Ball Game to Improve Friendly Character at Elementary School

Authors : Dr. Iis Marwan.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : The learning process of physical education aims to form a whole human being including character through motion activities. The purpose of this study is to develop a mini volleyball game learning model that can be done by elementary school children so that it can build and improve the character of students to become more friendly.

Keywords : Character, Development, Friendly, Learning, Mini Volleyball.

The learning process of physical education aims to form a whole human being including character through motion activities. The purpose of this study is to develop a mini volleyball game learning model that can be done by elementary school children so that it can build and improve the character of students to become more friendly.

Keywords : Character, Development, Friendly, Learning, Mini Volleyball.

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