2LQR Code for Advance Security

Authors : Sawant Vanita V. , Darekar Priyanka S. , Gangarde Sarika D. , Jagadale Komal B. , Jagtap Swapnaja L..

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://goo.gl/8byr96

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Abstract : The Quick Response (QR) code was designed for storing information. These codes have a huge number of applications including: information storage, identification, message sharing and document authentication etc. In our proposed system the new rich QR code named as 2LQR code .There are two storage levels has public and private storage level. The first is public level , it is same as standard QR code storage level and it is readable by any classical QR code application and second is private level, it is code with an error correction capacity. Private level is constructed by replacing black module with code words and texture pattern. In this paper , by using this private level storage capacity will be increase and also security is provided for private information of user. The pattern recognition method is used to read the second level information and be used both in a private message sharing scenario. We will be using Reed Solomon algorithm and AES(Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm. AES algorithm is used to provide security. QR code is commonly used two dimensional bar code recently with the advantage of larger QR content and error correction capability. Based on this property of QR code we design a secrete hiding technique for QR code. General browser can read the QR content but 2LQR code cannot be readable by any general browser.

Keywords : QR code, two storage levels, private message, document authentication, pattern recognition.

The Quick Response (QR) code was designed for storing information. These codes have a huge number of applications including: information storage, identification, message sharing and document authentication etc. In our proposed system the new rich QR code named as 2LQR code .There are two storage levels has public and private storage level. The first is public level , it is same as standard QR code storage level and it is readable by any classical QR code application and second is private level, it is code with an error correction capacity. Private level is constructed by replacing black module with code words and texture pattern. In this paper , by using this private level storage capacity will be increase and also security is provided for private information of user. The pattern recognition method is used to read the second level information and be used both in a private message sharing scenario. We will be using Reed Solomon algorithm and AES(Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithm. AES algorithm is used to provide security. QR code is commonly used two dimensional bar code recently with the advantage of larger QR content and error correction capability. Based on this property of QR code we design a secrete hiding technique for QR code. General browser can read the QR content but 2LQR code cannot be readable by any general browser.

Keywords : QR code, two storage levels, private message, document authentication, pattern recognition.

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